When you list a book on your website’s catalog, and next to that book you list a picture of the cover, and next to that picture you list the edition information, and below that information you list the ISBN number, it would be super if upon arriving at the library to pick up that said specific edition, it didn’t turn out to be a completely different edition of the book, which the librarian on hand confirms is, in fact, not another copy of the book being sought, but the only copy, the copy listed online as belonging to an entirely different edition, but yet, here, on the shelf, is not said edition.
It’s bad enough that sites such as eBay and Half.com employ this lazy and deceptive practice, but you Public Library, you, too?
It’s bad enough that sites such as eBay and Half.com employ this lazy and deceptive practice, but you Public Library, you, too?
Is nothing sacred?
Fear and trembling…
Fear and trembling…
Ha ha tremble in fear!